About Us
IDA Power focuses on acquiring, redeveloping, and divesting environmentally distressed properties for ourselves and our clients.
IDA Power provides firm, fixed-cost remediation and site closure services along with complete liability assumption and indemnity for any environmentally distressed properties.
IDA Power provides all levels of project oversight and construction management services on complex Brownfield and industrial sites by:
Managing and acquiring environmental liabilities
Implementing and overseeing fixed cost remedial actions
Demolishing and repositioning of reusable assets
Performing earthwork
Managing site redevelopment and repositioning
We develop innovative solutions and technologies for the beneficial reuse of fill materials and Coal Combustion Residuals (“CCRs”).

We offer an unparalleled commitment to excellence in remedial execution, flexible collateralization options, and the highest level of ethical standards in the industry.
We are known for our unique ability to partner with owners to manage the disposition and repositioning of liabilities and sites through environmental liability assumption transactions with robust seller indemnification and industry leading risk management and insurance programs as well as creative financial and financing structures.
To provide long term, innovative solutions by sustainably remediating and beneficially repositioning obsolete industrial and commercial sites, assets, and materials.
A world where resources are sustainably repurposed to meet the needs of the present and future.